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Astronism and Quakerism

Written by Astronist Institution

Edited by the Meta-Astronism Studies Journal

Last updated: FEB. 5, 2020

Astronism is a cosmocentric and naturalistic religion founded by the British philosopher, Cometan, in the early 21st century while Quakerism is a historically Christian denomination founded by the English dissenting preacher, George Fox, in the mid 1650s. Stark differences and curious parallels have been drawn when focusing on these two religions, making for an interesting comparison. 

Beginning with the parallels, both Astronism and Quakerism hold a similarity in their place of origin. Quakerism emerged out of the preachings of George Fox who had been Leicestershire, but carried some of his most important preaches in Lancashire and North West England, particularly across what is today southern Cumbria. This is where he met Margaret Fell, wife of Thomas Fell, owner of Swarthmoor Hall, the early headquarters for the Religious Society of Friends. Astronism also has deeply Lancastrian roots in and around the City of Preston which is where Cometan was born and is where he grew up. It is also from Preston that Cometan began receiving his inspirations and where he started his works of scholarship. Albeit Astronism hold a markedly more global outlook and scope even from its founding years, this common place of origin is an important aspect of similarity for these two movements.

However, philosophically, Astronism and Quakerism see little similarity. This dissimilarity is particularly evident in Astronism's externalistic worldview in which it cites deriving spirituality and existential purpose from a source that is beyond the self while Quakerism is made distinct from other denominations of Christianity by its internalistic worldview in which it states that a person should access the "light within" and there is "that of God in every one". Quakers' emphasis on this internal, self-reliant form of spirituality devoid of need to derive such from the external world demonstrates a major, fundamental divergence from externalistic religions. When Cometan considered this difference between Astronism and Quakerism, this form an opportunity for him to develop these are categories of religions in the Astronist philosophy of religion.

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This article was written by a working staff member with editorial powers within the Astronist Institution. The accuracy, validity and integrity of the contents of this article is supervised by working members of the Meta-Astronism Studies Journal which is the academic journal appointed responsibilities of scholarship for the discipline of study to which the subject of this article is associated.

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