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Human perception of the astronomical world

Written by Astronist Institution

Edited by the Astronological Journal

Last updated: May 12, 2020

Astronality is the concept at the centre of Astronism and in this article entry, Cometan will explain what astronality means and how it has impacted the Astronist belief system in such a profound way.

Astronality is the concept at the centre of Astronism and in this article entry, Cometan will explain what astronality means and how it has impacted the Astronist belief system in such a profound way.

Astronality is the central element of the Astronist religion and it is the concept upon which all Astronism is predicated. Astronality is the spiritual, religious and philosophical connection between a person and The Cosmos, manifested by a feeling of reverence, existential purpose and longing for comprehension of the astronomical world. It is this feeling that forms the basis of Astronism as it informs the Astronist worldview of cosmocentrism which states that the astronomical world is a source of spirituality and it should therefore be focused on by humans to receive such a spiritual, religious and philosophical connection.

Essentially, astronality is the feeling that a person experiences when they observe or otherwise interact with The Cosmos that relates to their concept of existentiality and life meaning. Astronists understand the feeling of astronality to have originated at the very beginning of the Astronic religions during the Upper Palaeolithic period of the Stone Age some 40,000 years ago and that the emotion of astronality has developed from that point and has manifested itself in different ways leading to its central position in Astronism in the modern context.

The term and modern concept of astronality is of post-omnidoxical Cometanic origin and due to its emphasis on finding existential purpose and meaning and a sense of religiosity from a source that is materially real, it is considered the middle ground between materialism and pure spirituality. In a broader sense, astronality as an emotion invokes a person's concern for their relationship with the astronomical world which, in Astronism, leads that person on to discover the concepts of astrosis and cosmosis (understanding Astronism in such a way of sequence is known as the concatenation of Astronism). It is also important in Astronism to consider astronality in a collectivistic way, particularly with regards to astronality being understood as the seed for the eventual transcension of humanity.

Keywords and linked resources

Astronality, Astronist worldview, Astronist philosophy

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Astronism by country


Key components

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Ethics and lifestyle


Classification and history

Forms of Astronism

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This article was written by a working staff member with editorial powers within the Astronist Institution. The accuracy, validity and integrity of the contents of this article is supervised by working members of the Astronological Journal which is the academic journal appointed responsibilities of scholarship for the discipline of study to which the subject of this article is associated.

To learn more about the Astronological Journal, click here.

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Existences of the Astronic cosmology

Astronist practices

 Governance of Astronism

Figures of Astronism

Disciplines of Astronism

Canon of Astronism

Main Astronist concepts and beliefs

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Devotional (Devotology)

General forms

Cosmic Devotion · Mutual devotion · Cosmomancy · Astrolatry · Astromancy


Specific forms

Retination · Stardance · Starsleeping · 

Astrophotography · Astronomical commemoration

Physical and mental

Astration · Astromeditation · Cosmopiry

Revelatory, intellectual and philosophic

Personal inspiration · Indrucy · Astrologue

 · Debatation


Extollatory (Extollogy)
Extollation · Celestification · Cometanisation


Activities (Occurrology)





Intosy · Panosy

Public, sopharial or phrontisterial

Astronomy tourism · Cosmogosy · Phrontistas 

· Starball · Philosophic tourism · Sempition · 

Orreration · Holographic show

Festivals and events
Starlight Festival (Stellara · Kintana · The Starlight Council) · Starlight social · Astrofair · Astroprom 

· Stargazing · Starguild · Starparty · Theatrosy


Either individual, private or public

Astronomical observation · Astrocrafts · 

Astroexercise · Starbathing · Moonbathing · 

Stardown · Starjam · Starnight · Starwalk · 

Sungrazing · Philosophers' camp


Related terms


The Vendox is the most well known symbol of Astronism.

Forms of Astronism

Geography of Astronism

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